Theme 2: Trinity

Our second faith theme explores the qualities of the Holy Trinity: God the Father, Jesus the Son, and The Holy Spirit. Take a look at some of the crafts and activities that we have available for you. As always, there are plenty more ideas, games, and activities for each grade and chapter, but this is what I thought would be the most helpful!

Trinity starts...
Tuesday, October 22nd
Wednesday, October 23rd
Sunday, October 27th

Many of the crafts below can work for grades 1 through 4 where they explore the idea of 3 in 1.  For grades 5th and 6th, it would be more engaging to play games.
We are working on adding more Trinity crafts so come on into the office!

Games (great for older grades!)
After the section or chapter, put some of your key words on the wheel!  Let them spin it and win a prize if they can explain it correctly.  (See some of the prizes below)
Or let them take some of the small wheels home to practice.

Videos you can rent from our library
Play a portion of "Confirmation" which explains Jesus and the Holy Spirit in a simple way
"The Saints" is a great video for almost any grade if you are talking about Saints! the first part is about St. John Bosco (2nd grade, chap. 4); the second section is doing your very best for Jesus; the third part introduces several different saints. 
This last one "The Greatest Heroes and Legends" covers the Nativity.  You can use it specifically for 2nd grade, chap 5 or any grade while learning about the Nativity!
(PLEASE NOTE: these must be signed out!)

Fun explanation of the Trinity

Grab an apple and share these five truths with your kids:
  • An apple has three parts: the seeds, the flesh, and the skin. When you cut an apple in half, you can see that each of these three parts are different (at this point, you can cut the apple open for your kids!).
  • The skin is like God the Father because He protects us.
  • The flesh is like God the Son because Jesus Christ took on human flesh.
  • The seeds are like God the Holy Spirit because He through His power, we grow in faith.
  • Each of the parts of an apple are different, but they are ALL apple.
  • So are the persons of God all different (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), yet they are ALL God.

We ordered a ton of prizes for you!  My favorite way to use them is during the review session at the end of class.  Some of the crafts are faith themed - some are themed by the season.  These are only a few of what we have ordered!


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